sábado, 30 de mayo de 2009

My favorite photograph

This photograph was taken in a trip with my class, the last year of school. It was december of 2007 and we travel to El Quisco, a town next to the sea. This was a relaxing outing after PSU. It was taken with timing device. 
The people in this picture are my classmates and me, "the scientists", the best class! xD. We went with two teachers.
I dont know why I was so wrapped up, I´m crazy! Some of my friends swam in the sea, but i didn't because i dont like it. wakala! xD

Some of they are still my friends  (bad friends xD), but i'm still talking to the others too. I like this picture because it was the best year of school =) and specially this trip was very very funny! We dance, we laugh so much, we ate a really good meal, we drank xD and we met many places :)
It was cool! :)



martes, 19 de mayo de 2009

my object technologic favorite

I can´t live whitout my TV :)
everybody Knows what is the TV, at least once has seen it. when I was children I saw los pitufos and I was happy boy. I got it from all my life,since I was born till today. I use the TV when I came at  home. I see cartoons and sometimes films. My favorite program is los simpson I like it!. It is a program about a family common, buT the people in this show are very stupid. the main character are, homero (father drunk) ,marge (mother concerned),bart (son naughty), lisa (daughter intelligent) and  maggi (forgotten baby). the character I like it most is homero, is like me!
tv distract me from university, specially  from the test.  :( Is my best friend xD

What life would be like my life without TV?
:O is a very difficult question!
 I´ve lived all my life with tv, I think that my live without TV will be boring and more stressful, because I wouldn't have distraction in my home.

best regards to everybody


miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2009

welcome to the blog of vitoko! ☺

Hi! I´m Víctor Riquelme R. My nickname is vitoko! I´m 19 years old. I live with my parents and my sister in Santiago de Chile. I`m student of Veterinary Medicine in the University of Chile. I love the animals, especially the cats ☺ I created this blog, because the miss told me! xD I think this blog is a very creative form for learn English and know more about my classmates I hope you enjoy this blog!