sábado, 30 de mayo de 2009

My favorite photograph

This photograph was taken in a trip with my class, the last year of school. It was december of 2007 and we travel to El Quisco, a town next to the sea. This was a relaxing outing after PSU. It was taken with timing device. 
The people in this picture are my classmates and me, "the scientists", the best class! xD. We went with two teachers.
I dont know why I was so wrapped up, I´m crazy! Some of my friends swam in the sea, but i didn't because i dont like it. wakala! xD

Some of they are still my friends  (bad friends xD), but i'm still talking to the others too. I like this picture because it was the best year of school =) and specially this trip was very very funny! We dance, we laugh so much, we ate a really good meal, we drank xD and we met many places :)
It was cool! :)



5 comentarios:

  1. Hi vitoko
    your picture is very nice!
    in my trip i was travel to Lican Ray! :D
    Is very beautiful place !
    I hope that you are fine!

  2. Hi lost brother!!!!!
    the photograph that you chose is very nice
    I have very nice memories of school too =)
    Regards lost brother
    see you tomorrow =)

  3. Hi vitoko =)

    your photograph is great!
    I have a trip with my class to the swimming pool xD

    emmmm that !xD
    Regards =)!
    that you are fine!


  4. those photos are very good
    all together is the best of rides

    ok, take care

  5. Hi!
    My angel of the guard !! jajajaj
    I like your photo...
    to know your friends is great!!
    in addition, the trip of end of year is the best... jejejeje

    see you soon
    ...you study very much!!
